Course of social media management

Course of social media management

In this course you will learn what strategic communication is and how to implement a social media plan. You will know tools to understand the market and the potential client, and how to create personalized messages.

Social Media Course

Course detail

The program has four modules and can be taught as a workshop, lasting four sessions. It can also be taught in the express course modality, in a single session.


  • Workshop, simultaneous face-to-face or online, once a week
  • Course, simultaneous face-to-face or online, one day


  • Workshop: 4 sessions of 1.5 hours
  • Course: 1 session of 4 hours, with a 30-minute break


Beginner, no prior knowledge required


  • 500 USD per participant


• Introduction to social media
• What is strategic communication?
• Tools to analyze the market
• Definition of objectives and KPIs
• Conversion funnel and customer journey
• Manual of digital communication
• Contingency plan for social media

• Study of the main social media
• Logic and content formats of each social network
• Social media by generation
• Principles of segmentation and digital pattern

• Fundamentals of graphic design for social media
• Fundamentals of Creative Advertising Writing
• Recommended measures for each type of post
• Tools for graphic design and social media management

• Analytics tools to measure results
• Preparation of reports and communication of results
• Optimizations and adjustments to the initial strategy


About the workshop facilitator

Paulina de la Vega has a degree in Hispanic Language and Literatures from UNAM, she is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Advertising at the Universidad Iberoamericana. She has more than eight years of experience in the field of digital marketing. She specializes in SEO and content marketing. She has taught training at Merca 2.0, Centro ADM, and other educational institutions. She worked with brands such as L‘Oréal, Grupo Alsea, government institutions such as SEDENA and INGER, as well as with various SMEs.

About this course

In the course of strategic communication in social media you will learn to identify and understand your potential clients to create an effective communication plan. The course includes various templates to analyze the market, make reports, among other important tasks within this field.


  • Define concepts
  • Show some tools for the strategic management of social media
  • Getting to know the different social media channels

To whom is it addressed

  • Digital Marketing Professionals
  • Entrepreneurs who manage their own social media
  • Community Managers and content creators
  • Companies that want to train their staff
  • SMEs that seek to take their different social networks


  • Reference readings
  • Guides to analyze the market
  • Templates to study the potential client
  • Machote for editorial calendar
  • Format for reporting


  • Laptop
  • Knowledge of collaborative work platforms in the cloud
  • Active account in a social network
  • A real case to work on (preferred)


In this section we answer the most frequently asked questions about our SEO course. In case you have a question that is not on the following list, you can contact us and we will answer you within one business day.

We have two modalities: workshop and course. Both are imported simultaneously.

The workshop mode aims to work on a real project. The sessions are spaced a week apart so that the student can work on their project according to the topics covered in the program. Each session will solve questions about this project. Also, the workshop facilitator will be available via email to answer specific questions.

The express course modality is taught in a single day. Although you can also see a real case as an example, the duration does not allow you to work on the project as you would in a workshop. This modality lasts for a single day and has a 30-minute break.

We have both options. In the case of face-to-face courses, they can be taught at our facilities or at our client’s offices. For online courses, a link to connect to a video call is sent to the group.

Whether you take a face-to-face course or an online one, the sessions are taught simultaneously. The workshop facilitator is present, either in our offices or in the client’s offices; or, he is present in a video call simultaneously, while the student(s) are also connected. The simultaneity allows to solve doubts quickly, since the student can raise them at the moment of teaching the topic.

We are located in Mexico City, in the Florida neighborhood. Our facilities are accessible for people in wheelchairs. The workshops are given in a room with capacity for 20 people. We have a parking space for 10 cars, subject to availability on the day the session is held.

For an additional cost that is calculated according to the size of the group, we offer:

  • Cafe service: Unlimited coffee or tea and cookies.
  • Dining room service: Includes the stew of the day, natural fruit water and dessert.

Unlike most courses offered online, this one is simultaneous. Knowledge is public and can be found for free on the Internet, what cannot be consulted so easily is a person who resolves our doubts about specific problems.

Digital platforms experience changes in their algorithms daily, so courses that have already been previously recorded lose validity very quickly.

In this sense, we are different because we offer a simultaneous workshop or course that guarantees to resolve the particular concerns of our students, and we work from the first session on real cases.

Request more information

We have special plans for companies and large groups.




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