Elements of a marketing strategy, according to Raymond Corey

marketing strategy
In an article published by Harvard University, teacher and marketer Raymond Corey addresses the five elements of a marketing strategy. To know: Product and market selection. It refers to what we commonly call segmentation, targeting and positioning. Price fixing. The price is what the customer is willing to pay for a good, product or service. ... Read more

What are Porter’s five forces and what are they for?

fuerzas de porter
Michael Porter is an American academic known for his economic theories. Specifically, for being the author of a famous article published in the Harvard Business Review: “The five competitive forces that shape strategy.” This article maintains that there are five key elements to analyze a business sector, for example, the tourism sector, the entertainment sector, ... Read more

The content marketing plan and the Customer Journey (CJ)

plan de marketing de contenidos
A content marketing plan helps companies with various issues, among others, to build a strong brand on the Internet, attract users through stories and speeches, increase conversions, and also build customer loyalty. Depending on the stage of the Customer Journey (CJ) we can use different types of content to guide the customer during their journey. ... Read more

What is marketing 4.0?

qué es el marketing 4.0

Marketing 4.0 is a book by Philip Kotler co-authored with Hermawan Kartajaya and Iwan Setiawan. This work coins the concept of this new type of marketing, which is a combination of traditional marketing (which focuses on customer interaction) and digital (which focuses on driving action and promotion). Characteristics of marketing 4.0 Marketing to the n: … Read more